Sunday, April 1, 2012

Day 1 so far

Well we got up at 5:15 this morning because we decided that we need to stay on somewhat of a schedule for the days when he has to work early we have to be on our walks by 6 so even though he didn't work til 10 today, we still did get up early. So we got up, weighed ourselves, tooke morning meds, walked, and relaxed, then ran some errands, then he left for work. We measured out all the cereal we bought into the correct serving sizes into sandwich baggies so we could just grab a bag in the morning instead of measuring every morning. It will be much easier to grab a bag and carry it into the kitchen than having to measure everything in there and that way we won't risk waking anyone else up. No ciagrettes for me since last night. Kelby is gradually weening himself down by smoking less and using dip, but he's not going to fully quit until I do because we don't get along very well when we are both going through nicotine withdrawls ;) I've had some cravings this morning but I've just tried to keep myself distracted. That's why I'm writing now instead of just watching tv or something. I need to keep my hands busy. Our daily water goal is at least 1 gallon for the first 10 days I think it is. I'm about 1/4 of the way there I guess. Woohoo only a little over an hour til lunch. Today is going by pretty fast I guess. I have tons of energy but yet I'm sooo tired. I could just lay in my comfy bed all day and be happy, but I suppose I should get up and do something. Oh I gotta print our "before" pictures out to hang about our motivation wall. Will upload everything tonight, well maybe not the before pictures, but the motivational onesies I talked about.

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